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Imagine being dropped into a spiralling warehouse of acid and sub-base pressure with only four tracks to lead you into the light. The He-Men compress Three Hours into a key change driver, stabbing and bubbling as you reach the surface gulping for air, bathing in the strings, dripping in acid-wash. Before you know it you’ve been whisked away to the halcyon days of yore, creeping around castle corridors. Leeds native DJPC then kidnaps your soul for a spin in Acid Mundae (24 Master) bombarding you with high hats, rolling baseline and old school pads and synths that take you to the dark underbelly of house music and beyond the black rainbow.
The shadow of DAWL’s electro powered hand then commands you with Telepath, breaks and bleeps Morse code that compel you to dance. The menacing sample, “I know what you’re thinking,” crawls around your skull until it finally shakes you loose from his imperious grip. DAWL isn’t finished yet. His Apache spirit breaks loose in Freestylin’, a controlled dash of a tune that scratches all over your body, hauling you to his Hip Hop roots before dumping you, used and abused back on the dance floor waiting for an Uber to teleport you to the darkest after party you can find.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4