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On »Tekkno Polo«, which was originally released on cassette and as a download by Oficyna Biedota in 2013, Jemek Jemowit addresses his Po-lish roots unsing the means of disco polo power. Disco polo is the Polish version of Italo Disco. It completely ignores everything that made Italo Disco great. It is known for its slightly bad arrange-ments, 3-tone melodies and forced rhyming, using pre-set sounds from the 1990s. On the EP Jemowit deals with total anti-patriotism (»An-typatriota«), grotesque hyper-patriotism (»Bigos») and Americanized over-patriotism (»Born in the PRL«). The EP ends with an anti-love-song (»O milosci«), using lyrics from Polish crooner Marek Grechutas’s »Będziesz moją panią« from 1970. The EP has been remas-tered by Jeans Team’s Franz Schütte in 2020 to stunning effect.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8