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Reacquainted with his soul after the galactic battle with the gatekeeper of Hades, Edmx and his craft bulb into view from hyperdrive..
Emerging from an imperfect stasis, the pilot lay slumped over the controls of his ship. Beneath the glaze of his vizor his eyes looked milky white, opaque cataracts had almost sealed them. The craft was being pulled slowly toward Sigma Orionis on invisible magnetic currents. Flurries of dust danced around the pilots window like fireflies. In the far distance the horse head nebulae dwarfs the tiny craft with it's mountainous cosmic majesty. Intergalactic myth being of the ages, guiding this stellar traveller to his doom. The incandescent solar whorls start to coruscate before his eyes and form twisted images from his fractured subconscious. Grotesque parodies of half-humans beckon him towards an astral dance floor made of finely spun crystalline glass - insane visions threatening his mission. Reaching forward to the control panel, captain Dmx flips the cover on the button marked 'SUB ATOMIC PILE DRIVER - USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION' and pushes down hard, blowing the solar hallucinations into the outer reaches of the galaxy with a sonar burst of such technoidal intensity, the tremors will eventually be felt back on Earth. The vessel continues on its way, cabin speakers ringing to the perpetual lock groove caused by the blast, like a thousand galaxies being simultaneously shredded. The captain slams his foot; jets blow orange and red setting the ship back on its course. As it pulls into the distance a set of giant celestial eyes appear to be watching it from behind a corner of the nebulae...
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