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In the midst of one of the worst winters Paris has known for a long time and with so many conflicts all around, we have been looking for calm and tenderness. As a result this new compilation brings you almost as much comfort as taking a newly born in your arms and giving him a cuddle. That’s right, this is music babies can get into. A fully padded compilation that’s rather more candid, innocent and carefree than the norm, and which is still inviting the listener to shake his hips. The kindliness of a home (maison) forever opened to all kinds of ideas but that from then on also has to look after a child. Suddenly a new transversal approach shapes up with this compilation attractive to ears of all ages. Rested, serene, more contemplative, with a selection that’s probably more geared at sunday afternoon than saturday night, more yuzu green tea than stupid alcopops. Sure there are a few hysterical sirens in the Jupiter track, but we asked for them to be toned down in order to keep the little one asleep.