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A Bring Me Down
B False Imprint
Innamind Recordingsareaboutlaunch themselves to stratospheric levels withtheir nextrelease, as they feature the devastating production skills of
Thelemandthe blisteringflows ofMancunianmic specialist TManonIMRV007. Thelemhasbeen
busy setting the scene alight for a whilenow, buildingbeatsacrossarangeoftempos andstyles, releasing onKrypticMinds’OsirisMusicUKand
tearing upgigsfrom LosAngelesto Croatia.Hehas
reserved somethingabitdifferentfor hisInnamind
debut by working with one of the Manchester
scene's mostnotorious MCsin T Manand the
results are enough to twist up your dance floor
beyondrecognition. On‘Bring MeDown’Thelem
lays down the toughest of beats, tempered with
steely bassline pressure and neck-break
percussion,beforeTManjumps onwiththe fiercest
ofdouble-timerhyming,weavingthrough the rhythm
with agility and ruffneck lyrics. The track has
pairsit upwithanequallyseriousBsidein ‘False
Imprint’, a beat on an otherworldly, deep space
futurism tip. Vangelis-esquehorns ring out over
chugging crosshatch of rumbling....
Track 1
Track 2