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Quiet Force were the German duo of producer Thilo T.C. Rex and multi-instrumentalist Stephan Töteberg. Signed to Klaus Schulze`s Innovative Communications in the late 1980s, they produced four albums for the pioneering electronic imprint. They also released two singles on Italian label Les Folies Art, co-produced by Sergio Pisano. Mind Fair have licensed one of these to their reissue arm, Rogue Cat Resounds.
To try to describe Listen To The Music (For Love And Emotions) I`d ask you to imagine an Italo remake / remodel of Art Of Noise`s Moments In Love. Slightly “danced-up”. Sporting Max Headroom Fairlight stutters, and fretless bass flourishes. Synthesized strings, glissando and pizzicato. Mediterranean reeds and surf. Peppered with a lover`s laughter and ecstatic shouts. It could quite easily have been a template for The Grid`s Flotation. It`s definitely something for you file next to Dancing Fantasy in your Cafe Del Mar collection.
Apiento & Tepper submit the track to a tight, and timeless, update. Sending the original`s 80s moments tumbling in and out of a metallic Electro break. Cowbell rattling around. Go-Go-esque. The bass, a barely contained growl. Synths gated to classic, trippy 90s “Ambient House” effect. Only the size of that b-line betraying its production date.
NYC legend Justin Strauss teams up with Max Pask and fuses the Fairlight sprites with bleeps and machine handclaps. Taking the tempo higher, to 110BPM. Reducing the OG to sonar blips, surrounded by spiralling sound effects. Trance arpeggios. Digidub skank and sinister symphonic New Beat keys. That girl giggling as if tickled by the 303.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3