Footswitch Lighttrigger

Qdelic Sounddesign
24.95 €
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MPC LIGHTTRIGGER / LIGHTBARRIER SWITCH by qdaelic & sir triggalot this item is for triggering the footswitch input of a mpc 1000 with light. when using jjos, you can route the footswitch input to the pads. => footswitch trigger = soundtrigger if switch state „B“ is „true“ - the item triggers if light gets to the receptor. if switch state „A“ is „true“ - the item triggers if no light gets to the receptor. in state „A“ you can use it as a light barrier trigger. its lot of fun to use - no batterys needed ! it does not „overreact“ with normal "roomlight". you can use flashlights, little bycicle lamps etc... ...and with a simple laserpointer you can bridge long distances !! the video, it describes the basic use. have fun - go crazy ;)

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