Minister Of Funk & The Saviors Of Soul / The Equat
Strut It Baby! / Don't Add, Just Subtract
Killer Funk Records
7.50 €
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New Killer Funk 7 inch release : One side from part time Gospel preacher Bernard Proleff's guitar led funk band whose funk sermons used to even pull in non believers to his Pentecostal chuch in Indiana in the 70's.This is one of the more rockier cover versions they used to do at the very different events they took part in outside of the regular gospel Chuch gatherings.On the flip side The Equations ,a 1970's part time band from San Antonio made up from professors from the local UTSA get busy with some downright dirrrrteh funk drums !
Minister Of Funk And The Saviours Of Soul (texas Toni Edit) - Strut It Baby!
The Equations (correct Answer Edit) - Don't Add, Just Subtract
Track 1
Track 2