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Track Listing
A Petroglyphs
B1 Number Nine
B2 Hot Sauce
Artikal Music UK launches into 2014 with a
stompingEPfrom newlysignedartistEshOne.The
NewMexicobasedProducer&DJleads asoneof
the mainproducers pushing the Dubstepsound
forward in NorthAmerica.ThecompleteEPreflects
uponhisunique&formidable take onthe 140BPM
soundscape. ARTKL011pushesonwardwithfour
carefully selected tracks from EshOne, each
individual and showcasing the depth withinhis
production talents.
The ‘Petroglyphs EP' carves out a dense
atmospheres, vibrant lead synths & snares
drenchedin reverb. EshOnedrawsuponorganic
sounds throughout, from the sampling of flowing
water,to his choice in tribal drums to the soft
whispersof a moaningfemale, targeting a deep
grasp on the listener. The sound fabricated
throughout ‘Petroglyphs EP’ radiates a massive
forward thinking energydrawingfrom the uniquely
crafted synth work moldedinto form alongside
intelligent percussion....
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3