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CM von Hausswolff used to co-run DS Art Gallery and the publisher/record company/organizer Radium 226.05 in Göteborg, Sweden, during the 1980s. Meanwhile he was also a part of the duo Phauss with Erik Pauser as well as engaged in the rock bands Blue For Two, Psychonauts and Evil Dead Goofball. He was also active in the visual art group VAVD and the combo Elggren, Liljenberg, Pauser and von Hausswolff doing mainly live-installations and performance art.
CM von Hausswolff writes...; (liner notes for "Dark 80ies", 1st May 2014)
"We're Not Able To Realize Your Order" was an exhibition at Mors Mössa, Göteborg 1989, including an automatic calling system where random phone numbers are picked by a Mac Plus computer stating "Hi, this is a call from Phauss. We want to take control over your life. Do you have any comments? you have seven seconds from now." Voice and programming: Ulf Bilting.
"Saharan Royal Blue" was recorded in Algeria 1983 and mutated in 1984. Engineered by Göran Ekmark.
"The Drums" was recorded 1985. Remix and guitar solo by CMvH. Composed and engineered by Henryk Lipp. Drums by The Golden Darbackas of Nineveh; voice by Freddie Wadling. Previously released on the B-side of a 7" with the same title (Radium 226.05)
"Hafez Phauss" generates from a cassette tape bought in Iran, 1986, containing Hafez poems. Additional sounds are from Iranian propaganda tapes. Originally used as a part of the soundtrack for the film Alamut by Phauss released on VHS in 1987 (Brandklipparen).
"ZacRadiuMatic Test" is a commercial never accepted by the needer, done in 1985 by me and Henryk Lipp.
"Moving Towards The Sun" was recorded in 1990. Engineered by Zbigniew Karkowski. Voices by Maria and Anna von Hausswolff. Previously released on a compilation LP by Ano Kato, Thessaloniki.
"Midsummers Day 1984 - March 1985 / Unwoman" is the sound for the exhibition with the same name at SubBau, Göteborg 1985. It is the sound from Maria von Hausswolff's heart as she was still in her mothers womb.
"Royal Music #3" was recorded in 1987 at Musikhögskolan, Göteborg, by cmvh and Karkowski. Previously released on the compilation LP Dry Lungs III (Placebo Records).
"Poland 10 - 20.4 1989" is the soundtrack to the exhibition with the same name installed in the old castle overlooking Kazimeirz Dolny, Poland. Location sounds from around Poland including Kazimierz Dolny, Majdanek, Lublin and the roads between Szczecin-Warsaw-Lublin. Engineer was Henryk Lipp.
"Folkwar" was recorded in 1989 at Musikhögskolan, Göteborg. Engineer: Zbigniew Karkowski.
"ZacRadiuMatic Commercial" is a commercial accepted by the needer, done in 1985 by me and Henryk Lipp.
Carl Michael von Hausswolff was born in 1956 in Linköping, Sweden. He lives and works in Stockholm.
Since the end of the 1970s, Hausswolff has worked as a composer using the tape recorder as his main instrument and as a conceptual visual artist working with performance art, light and sound installations, and photography.
His audio compositions from 1979 to 1992, constructed almost exclusively from basic material taken from earlier audiovisual installations and performance works, consists essentially of complex macromal drones with a surface of aesthetic elegance and beauty. In later works, Hausswolff has retained the aesthetic elegance and the drone and added a purely isolationistic sonic condition to composing. Between 1996 and 2008 Hausswolff has boiled away even more ornamental meat from the bones: his works are pure, intuitive studies of electricity, frequency functions and tonal autism within the framework of a conceptual stringent cryption. Lately he has also developed a more conceptual form of audio art overlooking subjects such as architecture and urbanism, rats and maggots. Collaborators include Graham Lewis, Jean-Louis Huhta, Pan Sonic, Russell Haswell, Zbigniew Karkowski, Erik Pauser, The Hafler Trio and John Duncan. His music and sound art can be found on labels such as Ash International, Die Stadt, Firework Edition, Laton, Oral, Raster Noton, Sub Rosa and Touch.
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