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Shipwrec are opening 2016 with some acid cheer. Taking that iconic silver box and getting something new out of its aging circuitry is never easy, but with musical imagination it can be done. Bintus (Milo Smee) has been delivering inspired 303 bitterness for some while on his own Power Vacuum imprint. A powerhouse in electronics for decades, Smee has released as Kruton and Binary Chaffinch on a glut of labels like Dissident and Pure Plastic. He opens his Shipwrec account with Acid Shores. Low and levelled the tough mechanics of the title piece will leave speakers needing a specialist. Rasping rhythms follow as the coarse and corrupted form of "S.E.G." takes hold. Born somewhere between new beat and techno the track is emblematic of Bitnus' skill, skills fully on show for the final stomp. Twisting and writhing "Live Section #1" spits venom. Bass lines are blunted as fangs are bared in this fourteen minute epic of morphing serpentine synth chicanery.
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