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It’s a family affair!! What you are holding in your hands is the first part of a new series on Connaisseur called “Alex
Flitsch meets…” where label head Alex Flitsch teams up with various friends from the label family and its
surroundings. The inspiration for the first part was several trips to Barcelona, where Alex and the Audiofly boys, Ant and Luca spent time working on their music vision whilst enjoying a laugh and delicious food. The result is Alex first release since ages and will definitely bring the newly minted Cocoon Club-resident to another level of attention. The two tracks are state of the art house and combine Alex long lasting DJ experience with the extraordinary studio skills of Audiofly. Long Way To Go is a peaktimeorientated monster of a house track. The idea was to reinterpret classic filter house sounds into modern form.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3